In-house training.

In-house Training

Dr Phil Watts frequently conducts training at various private agencies and organisations on many different topics, such as those listed below. He is also a popular speaker at professional meetings. Dr Watts can also provide training that meets your needs. Please contact us for more information.

One-day workshops include:

  • Legal Skills / A Reliable Witness: A workshop on understanding the court system, and the nuts and bolts of dealing with court. It is useful to help make workers aware of the legal process and how to both be ready for court and avoid going to court.
  • Bullet-proofing Psychology: A workshop on avoiding ethical, legal and practical pitfalls as a working professional psychologist.
  • Dealing with Difficult People: Learn how to manage difficult people.
  • Report Writing for Court: One of Dr Phil’s most popular workshops. Teaches practical skills in writing treatment and assessment reports.
  • Surviving the Witness Box: How to survive cross-examination. Practical skills for being in court.
  • Risk Assessment in Clinical Practice: Learn how to screen for risk of violence, suicide, and sexual risk in clinical practice.
  • Assessing Complex Families for Court: How to conduct child custody evaluations and care and protection assessments for court. Follow a case from start to finish.
  • Psychological Testing: Various formats including a hands-on masterclass or day-long workshop for the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI), Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF) or Millon Inventories.
  • Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI-Plus): Dr Watts is a master trainer of the PAI. He has a whole-day workshop on how to use the PAI-plus specialist workshops, including dealing with elevated PIM, or PAI, in child custody evaluations.
  • Understanding Internet Pornography Addiction: Skills in dealing with Internet Pornography addiction, particularly in clinical practice.
  • Assessing Lies, Deceit and Malingering in Clinical Practice: A workshop on how to assess for lies, deceit and malingering.
  • Ethics
  • Family law
  • Gambling
  • Lies and Malingering in clinical practice

Cost of In-House Psychological Training

Costs for supervision can be provided upon application. Contact us to discuss your in-house training needs.