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How To Find Love And Not A Psycho

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How To Find Love And Not A Psycho
By Dr Phil Watts

My partner was charming, caring and attentive when we met, but over time I discovered a very dark and disturbing side to them. My partner was a ‘psycho’ and our relationship descended into a living hell. What happened? Was it me? Should I have recognised the signs?

Dr Phil Watts is a forensic psychologist with 30 years’ experience. The information in this book is based on his studies and extensive professional expertise. In an easy-to-read format he provides the skills and tools to:

  • Identify and avoid high conflict and problematic personalities (‘psychos’).
  • Understand the complexities of dating in a modern world.
  • Find a loving and compatible partner.
  • Build a long-lasting relationship.
  • Understand intimacy, trust and communication in a relationship.
  • Get out of a bad relationship safely.

"A must read for anyone who will enter a romantic relationship (so, virtually everyone!). This incisive and evidence-based book provides clear advice on how to spot a wolf in sheep’s clothing so as to avoid miserable and dangerous relationships. The messages Dr Phil imparts will allow readers to find true love that is positive and fulfilling, while giving hope to those who have been hurt by former partners."

Dr Lorraine Sheridan (Curtin University), International expert on stalking and interpersonal violence.

"Wouldn’t it be handy if, at birth, we were given guidebooks or manuals for the important areas of our lives? Sadly, we aren’t. We muddle through life and particularly relationships, without really understanding better ways to ‘fall in love’. If you want to avoid ‘psychos’ and create better relationships, then read this book. It is the tool kit you should have been given."

Meg Waters, Psychologist and person who has fallen in love.

"We teach sex education. Is it not time to teach love education? We now have the textbook. Really easy to read and not preachy. It also feels truthful but is not sugar coated."

Andrew Ewing, Lecturer, musician/filmmaker, husband and father.

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